"Complementary Body-Mind Health Care for Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, and All Allied Health Practitioners"
Pre-conference October 31, 2013
Conference November 1-3, 2013
Lake Junaluska Conference & Retreat Center
Terrace Hotel, Lake Junaluska, NC

Clinical biofeedback (BFB) and neurofeedback (NFB) training are growing increasingly popular in the United States. Many people are seeking relatively new approaches to healthcare, resulting in an increase in the prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use. A recent survey of health and illness-related experiences in the USA alone showed that approximately 38% of adults and 12% of children are using some form of CAM for general healthcare and wellness or to treat a range of symptoms and diseases. According to a 2007 government survey, at that time Americans spent nearly $34 billion on CAM practitioners and products annually.
Research has shown that BFB and NFB interventions are efficacious in treating a variety of symptoms and health conditions. They are steadily gaining acceptance by the American public, and recognition by the National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine as mind-body therapies. Many doctors and patients think of BFB and NFB as a form of CAM, and both are used in a variety of settings in order to improve academic, athletic and corporate performance, as well as health and wellness.
The SBCNA 2013 Annual Conference is an inter-disciplinary/multi-disciplinary conference that seeks to examine the following:
- issues that present confounds such as pharmacology, toxins, or nutritional status including food sensitivities
- methods that have the potential to enhance outcomes such as nutritional and metabolic interventions, massage therapies, yoga, mindfulness, or training in optimal breathing
- take-home recommendations for strategies and practices that support efficacy of BFB/NFB
- best practice techniques that enhance outcomes for BFB and NFB therapies.
Pre-Conference Workshops: We plan to offer workshops intended for therapists who may have no biofeedback experience, with the goal of providing exposure to easily-implemented techniques and inexpensive tools that can enhance their therapeutic practices, and for information-seeking consumers who may be considering seeking the services of a biofeedback or neurofeedback professional.