"Mind-Body Balance"November 5-7, 2010
Greensboro, NC - Clarion Airport Hotel Conference BrochureFor detailed information about the 2010 Conference, you can download and print the NCBS 2010 Conference Brochure with schedule, information about presenters, and registration form. Return to Menu Schedule of Events
Friday, November 5, 2010
6:30 - 8:30 |
Breakfast in Terrace Room |
7:45 - 8:15 |
Registration |
8:15 - 8:30 |
Welcome - Pat Benfield, President of NCBS (0.25 CE/CME) |
8:30 - 9:30 |
How to be a Good Cro-Magnon - Sylvia L. Whitmire, MA, LPC, BCIA-C - Using the "visualization" of the modern human, Cro-Magnon, the therapist can inspire compliance and comprehension about a healthy lifestyle involving sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress management. A brief history of how and where the human brain evolved so rapidly gives insight into the reason for healthy activities. Education about the composition of neurons links healthy brain to happy life. This is a very effective approach for anyone who has a "brain". Participants will be able to teach their clients about Cro-Magnon life style and nutritional needs and neuron structure and its link to nutrition and give clients incentive for compliance to treatment. (1.0 CE/CME undefined Basic) |
9:30 - 10:00 |
Break undefined Exhibits; Meet & Greet Presenters (0.5 CE/CME) |
10:00 - 12:00 |
Implementing Comprehensive NFB: A Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective - Richard Soutar, Ph. D., BCIA-EEG - In conducting neurofeedback at the clinical level, practitioner confidence is best derived from accuracy in assessment, protocol derivation, and progress evaluation. Providing evidence for decisions in each of these arenas is also critical for client confidence in the neurofeedback process, continued client participation in that process and, consequently, successful outcomes. Quantitive methods for relating symptoms to location, deriving training strategies, and monitoring symptom progress from a bio-psycho-social perspective will be proposed. A method for integrating statistical questionnaires and qEEG for this purpose will be presented. (2.0 CE/CME undefined Intermediate and Advanced) |
12:00 - 1:00 |
Lunch in Salon B - Exhibitors (0.5 CE/CME) |
1:00 - 3:00 |
Stress Effects on Health - Carol Shively, Ph. D. - Social stress has a number of effects on the way the body functions and may increase the likelihood of several diseases. We have studies the effects of social stress in small groups of monkeys for many years. In this presentation I will discuss 1) the effects of social stress on visceral obesity, metabolic syndrome, and CHD; and 2) social stress, depression, and CHD. Participants will be able to understand better why it is important to reduce social stresses and to learn to modulate the body's response to social stress. (2.0 CE/CME undefined Basic and Intermediate) |
3:00 - 3:30 |
Break - *Exhibitors (0.5 CE/CME) |
3:30 - 4:30 |
Preliminary Findings: QEEG on a Sample of Graduate Students - Robert E. Longo, MRC, LPC, NCC, BCIA-EEG - The presentation will provide an overview of preliminary finds of QEEG on 52 graduate students at the Counseling & Education Dept. UNC-Greensboro. The Presentation will review sample characteristics, types of data and analyses collected on a sample of 52 graduate students including physiological data, QEEG, emotional analysis and cognitive analysis using the NEWMIND Mapping System. Samples of brain maps will be presented and implications for future studies presented and discussed. (1.0 CE/CME undefined Beginner-Advanced) |
4:35 - 6:35 |
Measuring the Mind-Body Balance A Psychophysiological Assessment Procedure - Peder Fagerholm, PhD BCIA-C/BCIA-EEG - Measuring the mind-body balance can provide important insights into how the mind and body are interacting. It can be a basis for treatment and provide a starting point or baseline by which to gauge progress. Simultaneous recording of the physiological measurements allows for comparisons not available in separate recordings. This presentation consists of five parts: a short discussion of the definitions of biofeedback and modalities used for this demonstration, a demonstration of the placement and attachment of the various sensors for each of the modalities, demonstration of recording procedures designed to maximize data gathering, an analysis of the data for each modality followed by a comparison between the modalities for the purposes of understanding mind - body balances and potential problems, and a question and answer period. (2.0 CE/CME undefined Intermediate) |
6:35 - 7:30 |
Social w/ Heavy Hors D' Oeuvres in Salon B - Exhibitors - Time to network and have fun (1.0 CE/CME) |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
6:30 - 8:30 |
Breakfast in Terrace Room |
8:00 - 8:30 |
Registration - *Exhibits (0.5 CE/CME) |
8:30 - 10:30 |
Brain and Lyme Disease--It's in Your Backyard - Helena E. Kerekhazi, MS, NRNP - The Great Imitator is what they called syphilis since it mimicked so many other diseases. We have a new spirochete that does at least the same damage as syphilis: it's called Lyme disease. Just like syphilis it passes through the umbilical cord and causes autism. The vector for the spread of Lyme disease and autism is identical! It's easy to miss because the tests to find it commonly used are not accurate. Learn the signs and symptoms of Lyme and its many even more damaging coinfections. Participants will learn the signs, symptoms, and treatments for Lyme Disease; how NFB and brain mapping is helpful in this process, and resources available for providers and those who have contracted Lyme Disease. (2.0 CE/CME undefined Basic-Intermediate) |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Break undefined Exhibitors (0.5 CE/CME) |
11:00 - 12:00 |
The Importance of Cognitive Mediators in the Application of Biofeedback - Edward A. Charlesworth, Ph. D. - Biofeedback machines give information about electrical activity of muscles, brain activity, pulse, blood flow, etc., but this information is of little use if the subject does not internalize cognitive mediators of states of self-control that may be utilized outside of the laboratory or clinic. This is why learned relaxation techniques need to be incorporated into a comprehensive program of biofeedback and self-control. Techniques such as progressive/deep muscle relaxation, autogenic training and imagery relaxation may allow the subject to learn self-control of physiological processes, while utilizing biofeedback to validate self-control. (1.0 CE/CME undefined Intermediate) |
12:00 - 2:00 |
Business Meeting & Lunch in Salon B - Sponsored by NCBS (2.0 CE/CME) |
2:00 - 3:00 |
Hemispheric Balance: The Ultimate Reconnectivity - Tom Gross, DC, DACNB, BCIA-EEG - Neurodegeneration is an increasingly common threat rotting our society of their potential and obstructing the outcomes for the biofeedback practitioner. Various levels of neurodegeneration are highly probable within the patient population accessing peripheral biofeedback and neurofeedback. This lecture will expose the biofeedback practitioner to fundamental concepts of neurodegeneration and are inflammation as well as present viable nutritional and lifestyle alteration intervention strategies to protect our patients and enhance our outcomes. (1.0 CE/CME undefined Intermediate) |
3:00 - 4:00 |
Stress-related Visual Problems - Steven L. Haleo, OD, FCOVD - 21st century life demands more from our vision than ever before. Many children and adults constantly use their near vision at school, work, and home. Environmental stresses on the visual system (including excessive computer use or close work) can induce blurred vision, eyestrain, headaches, and vision induced stomachaches or motion sickness. (1.0 CE/CME undefined Basic-Intermediate) |
4:00 - 4:30 |
Break - *Exhibitors (0.5 CE/CME) |
4:30 - 5:30 |
Expert Panel - Answering Questions About Your Difficult Case - Richard Soutar, Dan Chartier, Helena Kerekhazi, Tom Gross and 2 other experts pending - Here is your chance!!!! Bring your most difficult cases for our experts! (If at all possible, please provide a brief written description for the panel to be familiar with before the panel meets.) (1.0 CE/CME) |
5:30 - 6:30 |
Sharing Success - Pat Benfield, MHDL, CRT, CBIS-CI, CCAA, (BCIA-EEG) - This is a time to share our resources. Please bring tips, ideas, techniques to demonstrate, book titles and authors, copies of handouts, and success stories from your clinical work, from your use of biofeedback software and protocols, or from marketing your services to share with our community of practitioners. We will facilitate discussion to include vendors, speakers and conference attendees. Let's have fun and plant the practical seeds of successful energy and ideas! (1.0 CE/CME undefined Beginner-Advanced) |
6:30 - |
Dinner on Your Own |
Sunday, November 7, 2010
6:30 - 8:45 |
Breakfast in Terrace Room |
9:00 - 12:00 |
The Coordinated Allocation Resource (CAR) Model of Brain Functioning & Activation Database Guided EEG Biofeedback - Kirtley Thornton, Ph. D. (** 15 min. break) - The presentation will cover the CAR model of electrophysiological functioning and its application to the remediation of auditory and reading memory in the learning disabled, ADD and traumatic brain injured populations. It will also present the findings of the model in terms of normal individuals, the interrelationships between the QEEG variables, developmental issues and specific examples of rehabilitation. (2.75 CE/CME undefined Advanced) |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Break for Checking Out |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Wrap-up and Good-byes (0.5 CE/CME) |
Return to Menu PresentersSylvia L. Whitmire, MA, LPC, BCIA-C: "How to be a Good Cro-Magnon" Richard Soutar, Ph. D., BCIA-EEG: "Implementing Comprehensive NFB: A Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective" Carol Shively, Ph. D.: "Stress Effects on Health" Robert E. Longo, MRC, LPC, NCC, BCIA-EEG: "Preliminary Findings: QEEG on a Sample of Graduate Students" Peder Fagerholm, PhD BCIA-C/BCIA-EEG: "Measuring the Mind-Body Balance A Psychophysiological Assessment Procedure" Helena E. Kerekhazi, MS, NRNP: "Brain and Lyme Disease--It's in Your Backyard" Edward A. Charlesworth, Ph. D.: "The Importance of Cognitive Mediators in the Application of Biofeedback" Tom Gross, DC, DACNB, BCIA-EEG: "Hemispheric Balance: The Ultimate Reconnectivity" Steven L. Haleo, OD, FCOVD: "Stress-related Visual Problems" Pat Benfield, MHDL, CRT, CBIS-CI, CCAA, (BCIA-EEG): "Sharing Success" Kirtley Thornton, Ph. D.: "The Coordinated Allocation Resource (CAR) Model of Brain Functioning & Activation Database Guided EEG Biofeedback" Return to Menu SponsorsThey've done it again!! Many thanks to...
Bio-Medical Instruments
New Mind Center
Bio-Medical Instruments' Gresham Moore will be available to demonstrate new equipment and software and instruct, tutor, and/or troubleshoot. Some of the equipment that will be featured: the new ProComp, J & J, and BioExplorer. BMI may also have BrainMaster equipment as well.
BrainMaster will have equipment available along with an expert clinician who will be available to assist you with any questions, tutorial assistance, and/or troubleshooting.
New Mind Center sponsored Richard Soutar, PhD to present and who will be available to assist you with any questions, tutorial assistance, and/or troubleshooting.
Stens will have their newest Nexus and other equipment available along with an expert clinician who will be available to assist you with any questions, tutorial assistance, and/or troubleshooting.
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